Congratulations to the Lady Trojans on their hard fought win over the Granite Prospectors!!  Way to go ladies!  Congratulations to our Cross Country team on an impressive meet in Helena yesterday!

Happy Birthday to Jaxson Buche and Mrs. Sarah Suthers who have birthdays today and to Casey James who has a birthday tomorrow.  Have a great day!!

TODAY:  Friday, October 6th, school is in session.  The JHFB team will play host to the team from Sheridan beginning at 3:30pm.  Please release players at 2:30pm.   The Titans will play host to the team from Sheridan in Granite with game time at 7pm.  Their bus will be leaving at 4:30pm.  It is hat day!  For the price of $1 you may wear your hat.  Please pay Lisa and get a hand stamp.  Proceeds will go to the Pep Club.


COMING UP:  Monday, October 9th, the JHVB team will travel to Deer Lodge for games at 4pm.  The bus will be leaving at 2:45pm.  The JVFB team will travel to Sheridan for a game beginning at 4pm.  The bus will leave at 12pm.


AG Day is fast approaching.  This is an amazing opportunity for our students to learn about many different aspects that are a part of the agriculture in our area.  Mrs. Hauptman spends a tremendous amount of time and energy putting this together.  Permission slips have been handed out and are due back to the office or your elementary teacher by Thursday, October 12th.  WE DO EXPECT ALL STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE!