Lunch:  Corn Chowder, roll, veggie sticks, fruit cocktail, and M

TODAY:  Thursday, November 2nd, the Lady Trojans will travel to Manhattan for the Divisional Tournament!  Good luck players and coaches.  The pep bus will leave at 8:15am and be back before the end of school.  The 5th and 6th graders who turned in a signed permission slip will be doing Sapphire Mining from 3:45-5pm. 

TOMORROW:  Friday, November 3rd, the Lady Trojans will continue to play in Manhattan at the divisional tournament.

NEXT WEEK: Monday, November 6th, the Parent meeting for all students playing HS basketball will take place at 6:30pm in the Main Gym. Tuesday, November 7th, there will be a dinner to honor our Cross Country team at the Fire Hall at 6pm.