Lunch:  Chicken Drum Sticks, Salad Bar, Roll, Green Beans, Carrots, Peaches & milk

TODAY:  Tuesday, November 7th, there will be a dinner to honor our Cross Country team at the Fire Hall at 6pm.  Congratulations again for bringing home a State Trophy!  You all have made Drummond proud!  The JHBB team will travel to Deer Lodge for games beginning at 4pm.  The bus will be leaving at 2:45pm.

COMING UP:  Saturday, November 11th, the JHBB game has been rescheduled for Monday, December 4th at 4pm.

Night @ the Library Tuesday, November 7, 2023 – 7:00 pm “The Life of Lucy Meriwether Lewis Marks”

 Humanities Montana

Cheer / Dance Club starting soon. The will be an information meeting November 13th, 6pm at the school.