“A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.”--George M. Moore Jr.

Lunch:  Corn Chowder, salad bar, roll, veggie sticks, apple/applesauce, and milk

 Happy Birthday Lilly Harnits and Parker Kittel!  Have a great day!

 TODAY:  Tuesday, January 16th, FFA members will travel to Great Falls  for livestock and sales competition that will take place today and tomorrow.  Mr. Bowey will be sending a list of those students involved as soon as possible as well as a departure time.

COMING UP:  Thursday, January 18th, the Trojans and Lady Trojans will play host to the teams from Charlo with games beginning at 1:30pm.  There will be a 21st Century activity for 3rd graders who have returned a signed permission slip from 3:35-5pm.  Friday, January 19th, the Trojans and Lady Trojans will travel to Granite for games beginning at 4:30pm.  The bus will be leaving at 3pm. FFA members will travel to Missoula for the rescheduled vet science district competition.